Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy 'Easter' Resurrection Day to all!

Just feeling my resurrection and reviving from the two years I worked a double career and earned a master's! I made it ya'll! I thought I was going to finish my last paper and jump off into life again. Not! Lol!

I am as I write taking an extended reprieve in a whole other state away from my usual surroundings. Yes - I'm here to handle some important business but also to reconnect with myself. So far so good, I am beginning to fill with energy once again.

We all need to get away from time to time when we've accomplished something major or even when we've been working at life hard and tirelessly without a respite. We can be no strength or love to our family, work or passion without it.

It's best to find a place that hss a total different pace and scene so you can be truly be refreshed. We often feel we cannot somehow afford it but in reality we can't afford not to do it.

Peace, Purpose, Power and Love to all! Take time for you!

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