Thursday, March 3, 2011

I recently watched that show where people retell their near death experiences. They all had completely different perspectives on life. All who didn't believe came back as some level of believer. Proof positive to - there is a hereafter ya'll - 'nuf said. One recurring comment was how if it was not their time, they all had to come back - for purpose. So this morning, I smile cuz' I believe this day is a gift and honor and I have a mission or purpose to fulfill, when foolishness creeps in today, I gotchu' - with a smile and peace, you can not have any part of my day.. I really get you just don't have that kind of power... Smiles, I'm good.. are you? (Inspired by Psalm 27:13,14)

I was thinking early this morning how scripture speaks to how we can profess to love God whom we cannot see but can't find a way to love those in our lives we can see (my paraphrase of 1 John 4:20). I've read it over many times over but this morning I saw it through as applied to those in my own household. As a mother, wife and friend how can I say I love God while entertaining wasted negative thoughts about those who live in my own household? Stupid, small, selfish thoughts came waving through this morning and I thought, 'what is that noise?' Such small minded foolish thoughts about nothing of any significance. I could also see depression and oppression were trying to settle in for the day and these foolish thoughts were just one avenue they were using to get me there. It seemed the assignment was to make my feel unhappy and hopeless.

I paused, reminded of those who have died and come back with fresh understanding and perspective on life. I remember thinking, life is so much more than these insignificant disturbances. I had to press my way a bit but I overcame, I won. I started with a purposeful smile, reminding myself the gift'ness' of this day. The honor and privilege I have in being here for a specific purpose. No matter what little impy voices try to stir, I will surpass them, I will overcome, I will smile for this day is a gift and everything I could be worrying about is really going to be alright, in its own time and way.

I also found a renewed desire to raise the love and service of those first in my house and then any I encounter today. Now that's a good day, which holds nothing but wonderful reaped benefits for me in my next journey.

My mission is to keep a genuine awe infused smile in my heart and on my face all day!