Monday, January 24, 2011

God Picks up the Quietest Frequencies

I was listening to Joyce Meyer on my phone the other day and was greatly encouraged. I was using my Bible app and just perusing through different devotionals. She was speaking about having a great day (Psalms 62:1,2). This morning I was reflecting on my encouraged heart and how wonderful God's ways are which led me to be grateful and at peaceful place. It's so cool how God will feed you by meeting you at your point of need without making a big fuss about it. By that I mean, you can be whispering random thoughts to God, issuing trust declarations for movement or resolution, answers or just encouragement and as if He is listening and tuning in for faint radio frequencies He captures your thoughts.

He is such a loving caring God that He is listening for even the most faint declarations of trust, faith in His Word, His promises and Truth. Even when all circumstances appear dim and dire, He listens for those frequencies that declare He is yet God and the Word is the ultimate and final source of Truth. He wraps your thoughts in His love and sprinkles them back in your heart for strength and resolve. Without even realizing what has transpired, you soon find yourself feeling better. A soft smile spreads upon your face and all of sudden your circumstances aren't weighing you down though nothing has changed.

I am so encouraged by these moments and find them very powerful in building my relationship of mature faith and trust in God. These moments are those upon which life is built and meant to be shared.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I pledge..

Happy and blessed new year to all!

I, in the midst of physiological struggles pledge to write more consistently in the gift of this year 2011.

I pledge to continue to step forward beyond and through past negative experiences. I do not deny their existence or validity but neither will I allow them to cause stagnation or paralyzing fear in my gift of life. It is not what God intended or purposed. They are allowed to help build positive purposeful strength and character. They are allowed to so that I can help others. They are allowed to teach me appreciation for the things that really matter.

I pledge to walk in love, wisdom and understanding, encouraging others every opportunity given.

This is a new season ya'll, dare to embrace it, dare to live and not just exist...

Peace to all