Saturday, January 31, 2009

I found this statement a fellow classmate so profound, I had to write about it. She was speaking of Australia and how beautiful it was. Her statement about it was, "it must be visited at least once in the course of life."

That impacted me heavily as I see how it can be applied to the fabric of our lives. I believe we all have preordained experiences that we must visit at least once in the course of our life. They are written into our 'personal life book' for divine purposes we may or may not ever come to know or understand. Strategically placed on different life journeys with specificity on our paths. Whether or not we engage the experience to its fullness is left up to us.

To the degree of our 'visit' and embracing of the experiences our lives are altered, redirected and enriched in a way most of us will not realize. Nevertheless they are vital points in our lives I think we should not miss, whether they are positive or negative, big or small, happy or sad. To live the life we were meant to in all its completeness each of these experiences must be visited at least once in the course of our lives.