Monday, December 29, 2008

What time is it?

It's time to understand life is larger than you.

It's time to understand we only have one time to walk this path.

It's time to understand the eternal and generational consequences of your actions.

It's time to understand the greater is in giving not receiving.

It's time to understand the power of joy and generosity.

It's time to understand the power of helping others.

It's time to understand the most important moment is right now.

It's time to understand there are no do overs once the words have been spoken.

It's time to understand your way is not necessarily the only way and you could just be wrong - totally wrong.

It's time to understand the power of grace, mercy and forgiveness.

It's time to understand the joy of pure silliness and laughter.

It's time to understand change is of God and a good thing, a very good thing.

It's time ... time for understanding ... time to grow up - finally and stop blaming others for choices you made.

That's what time it is...